Install msfpescan

basic update and install metasploit-payloads gem
bundle install have to be in the app folder

sudo gem install metasploit-payloads -v '1.1.4'
sudo gem update --system
chako@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework$ sudo bundle install
chako@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework$ sudo bundle binstubs metasploit-framework --path=$(dirname $(which msfconsole)) --force
metasploit-framework has no executables, but you may want one from a gem it depends on.
  jsobfu has: jsobfu
  metasploit_data_models has: mdm_console
  nokogiri has: nokogiri
  railties has: rails
  recog has: recog_export, recog_match, recog_verify
  redcarpet has: redcarpet
  patch_finder has: msu_finder
  rex-bin_tools has: msfbinscan, msfelfscan, msfmachscan, msfpescan
  rex-rop_builder has: msfrop

Install Install msfpescan

sudo gem install rex-bin_tools patch_finder rex-rop_builder metasploit_data_models
sudo gem update
gem list

msfpescan installed 🙂

chako@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework$ msfpescan
Usage: /usr/local/bin/msfpescan [mode] <options> [targets]

    -j, --jump [regA,regB,regC]      Search for jump equivalent instructions
    -p, --poppopret                  Search for pop+pop+ret combinations
    -r, --regex [regex]              Search for regex match
    -a, --analyze-address [address]  Display the code at the specified address
    -b, --analyze-offset [offset]    Display the code at the specified offset
    -f, --fingerprint                Attempt to identify the packer/compiler
    -i, --info                       Display detailed information about the image
    -R, --ripper [directory]         Rip all module resources to disk 
        --context-map [directory]    Generate context-map files

    -M, --memdump                    The targets are memdump.exe directories
    -A, --after [bytes]              Number of bytes to show after match (-a/-b)
    -B, --before [bytes]             Number of bytes to show before match (-a/-b)
    -D, --disasm                     Disassemble the bytes at this address
    -I, --image-base [address]       Specify an alternate ImageBase
    -F, --filter-addresses [regex]   Filter addresses based on a regular expression
    -h, --help                       Show this message